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Ancient Egypt civilization

Ancient Egypt civilization

Ancient Egypt's history and civilization

Ancient Egypt's civilization was heavily influenced by the Nile River and its importance to the region. The Nile River was vital to the survival of the Ancient Egyptians, as it provided nourishing agricultural soil and served as a transportation route [1]. Today, 95 percent of Egyptians live within a few kilometers of the Nile, and canals bring water from the Nile to irrigate farms and support cities [2]. The Nile River is the longest river in the world, stretching over 4,100 miles long, and flows through many different African countries [3]. The fertile land along the Nile River was the most important thing it provided to the Ancient Egyptians, as most of Egypt is desert, but along the Nile River the soil is rich and fertile [4]. The Nile River was the anchor to Egyptian civilization, providing fertile soil for farming, a source of food and transportation, and a vital resource for the country's survival [5].

The history of Ancient Egypt is divided into three periods known as the Old, Middle, and New Kingdoms [6]. The Old Kingdom was known as the "Age of Pyramids," the Middle Kingdom was known as the "Golden Age," and the New Kingdom was known as the "Imperial Age" [7]. The first pharaoh of Egypt, Menes, united the Upper and Lower Kingdoms and began the ancient Egyptian civilization [8]. During the Old Kingdom, pharaohs were buried in pyramids, which were massive structures built as tombs for the pharaohs and their consorts [9]. The Middle Kingdom was a time of growth and cultural changes, including a new capital city and the emergence of new art forms [10]. The New Kingdom was marked by significant military conquests and the construction of impressive temples and monuments [7].

Ancient Egypt civilization

The pharaohs and rulers of Ancient Egypt played a significant role in the country's history and civilization. They were both the heads of state and the religious leaders of their people [11]. The pharaohs inherited the crown through the royal bloodline and were regarded as both gods and political figures [12]. They ruled both Upper and Lower Egypt and were often thought of as one of the gods [13]. The pharaohs were both religious and political leaders, and only they could make offerings to the gods [14]. The pharaohs of Ancient Egypt were seen as the most powerful people in the country, and were regarded as living representatives of the gods [15].

Ancient Egypt's society and culture

Ancient Egypt's society was structured into a hierarchical system with six classes, ranging from the pharaoh at the top to slaves at the bottom [16]. The social classes were divided into the pharaoh, government officials, nobles and priests, scribes and soldiers, farmers, and slaves [17]. The society was structured like a pyramid, with the pharaoh at the top and the farmers and slaves at the bottom [18]. The social class one belonged to determined their job, status, and wealth. The pharaoh was considered a god-king and had complete control over the country, while farmers and slaves worked the land and performed manual labor.

Ancient Egypt civilization

Religion and beliefs played a significant role in ancient Egyptian society. Egyptians believed in over 2,000 gods and goddesses [19]. They believed that the gods controlled the universe and that the dead existed with the gods in the afterlife [20]. The gods were divided into three types of sentient beings: the holy gods, the deceased humans who exist in the afterlife, and the living humans [21]. The ancient Egyptians built temples and shrines to honor the gods and performed daily rituals to ensure the gods' favor. They also believed in the concept of Ma'at, the goddess of truth and justice, which emphasized the importance of balance and harmony in all aspects of life [22].

Art, architecture, and literature were integral parts of ancient Egyptian culture. Egyptian art and architecture included monumental structures such as the pyramids, temples, and tombs, as well as smaller-scale works such as sculptures, paintings, and jewelry [23]. Ancient Egyptian art and architecture continue to inspire and influence modern designers worldwide [24]. Egyptian literature contained many artistic forms, such as hymns to the gods, mythological, magical, wisdom, and mortuary texts [25]. The art and literature of ancient Egypt provide us with a glimpse into the beliefs, values, and daily life of this fascinating civilization [26].

Ancient Egypt's achievements and legacy

Ancient Egypt was home to many advancements in science and medicine, which have had a lasting impact on the world. The ancient Egyptians believed in prayer as a solution to health problems, but they also had natural remedies, such as herbs, and practical remedies that were structured and effective [27]. Ancient Egyptian medicine was so advanced that it included effective wound care, contraceptives, and accurate diagnoses [28]. Additionally, ancient Egyptian chemists excelled in preparing and extracting drugs from mineral, botanical, and animal substances [29]. Doctors were considered priests of the Per-Ankh, the House, and were highly respected for their knowledge of medicine [30]. The ancient Egyptians' contributions to medicine have had a significant impact on modern medicine and continue to be studied and admired today

Ancient Egypt civilization

The ancient Egyptians were also known for their engineering and architecture marvels, which have stood the test of time. The pyramids of Giza are the most well-known example of ancient Egyptian architecture, but the civilization's architecture was actually quite diverse [31]. The architects of the Old Kingdom created smooth-sided pyramids out of limestone, which aligned with the sun to make it easier for the pharaoh's soul to ascend to the heavens [32]. Excavated temples, palaces, tombs, and fortresses have also been discovered, showcasing the ancient Egyptians' ingenuity and skill [33]. The ancient Egyptians' engineering feats were equally impressive, with pioneering engineers creating structures that represented the power of the pharaohs [34]. The ancient Egyptians' contributions to engineering and architecture have had a lasting impact on modern architecture and continue to inspire architects and engineers today.

Ancient Egypt civilization

The ancient Egyptians' legacy extends beyond their scientific and architectural achievements. Their inventions and discoveries, such as writing and math, have had a profound impact on the world [35]. The civilization's influence on modern culture and society can be seen in everything from beauty products to fashion [36]. Egypt was a vast kingdom of the ancient world, and its unification around 3100 BCE led to its becoming a leading economic and cultural influence throughout North Africa and the Mediterranean [37]. The ancient Egyptians' legacy is a valuable one that has changed the course of history and led to the development of the modern world [38].


1.Why the Nile River Was So Important to Ancient Egypt. (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from
2.Nile River. (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from
3.Geography and the Nile River - Ancient Egypt. (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from
4.History Of The Nile River. (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from
5.Importance of the Nile River. (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from
6.The 3 Kingdoms of Ancient Egypt - Old, Middle, And New. (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from
7.Explained: Egypt's Old, Middle New Kingdoms. (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from
8.Ancient Egyptian History for Kids: Timeline. (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from
9.The Three Kingdoms, Ancient Egypt for Kids. (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from
10.Ancient Egyptian Buildings: Old, Middle New Kingdoms. (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from
11.Pharaohs. (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from
12.Egyptian Pharaohs, Top 10 Greatest Pharaohs in Ancient .... (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from
13.Ancient Egyptian History for Kids: Pharaohs. (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from
14.10 Facts About the Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs. (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from
15.7 Interesting Facts About Egyptian Pharaohs. (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from
16.Ancient Egypt | Social Structure, Classes Hierarchy. (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from
17.Social Structure in Ancient Egypt. (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from
18.Egyptian Hierarchy. (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from
19.Top 10 Facts about Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses!. (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from
20.3b. Egyptian Social Structure. (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from
21.Ancient Egyptian Religion Facts. (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from
22.Religion of Ancient Egypt for Kids. (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from
23.Egyptian art and architecture | History, Characteristics, .... (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from
24.10 surprising facts about Ancient Egyptian art and architecture. (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from
25.Ancient Egyptian Art Facts. (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from
26.Art of ancient Egypt. (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from
27.Ancient Egyptian medicine: Influences, practice, magic .... (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from
28.The Surprisingly Advanced Medicine of Ancient Egypt. (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from
29.Medicine in Ancient Egypt. (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from
30.Egyptian Medicine. (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from
31.Ancient Egyptian Architecture. (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from
32.Ancient Egyptian Architecture Facts History. (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from
33.Ancient Egyptian architecture. (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from
34.History Channel examines engineering marvels of ancient .... (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from
35.Infographic: How Ancient Egypt Shaped the Modern World. (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from
36.How Ancient Egypt Shaped the Modern World. (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from
37.Ancient Egypt. (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from
38.How ancient Egyptian civilization influenced the modern .... (n.d.) Retrieved June 15, 2023, from

Ancient Egypt civilization

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